
Power in the Pulpit: How to Prepare and Deliver Expository Sermons is unavailable, but you can change that!

Are you the best preacher you can be? In Power in the Pulpit, Jerry Vines and Jim Shaddix provide practical help specifically to those charged with the responsibility of delivering weekly sermons. You’ll learn: • The preparation for exposition. You’ll see how engaging in expository preaching demands that the preacher have certain conviction about his call to ministry, the Bible, his...

Appropriate. Effective style follows the customs and tastes of different peoples and different ages. One of the admirable characteristics of Christian preaching is its ability to adjust to the people of a given time period and to relate to them effectively.36 Lloyd Perry observed: The language the preacher employs should be contemporary and readily recognizable by the average man or woman. The phraseology used should be in terms of present needs and problems. Jesus Himself used a language of life
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